The employment certificate attestation or attestation of competency certificate is only valid for a certificate issued by any state of India. Verification of authenticity and signature of authorized person / department / company must be verified. India’s employment certificate can only be certified in India. Certificate Owner Certificate Experience India must obtain a certificate of experience with a certificate that is in charge of the Department of Federal Affairs and testify at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and finally it is documented at the embassy of the country where the candidate wants to work. Purpose all of the above mentioned certification process of the certificate of experience in India can be completed in our country and in the absence of the candidate.

Certificate of Human Resource Management (HRD) Certification offered by Pearling Global Services

This is the first step of certification. You must receive your certificate certified by the human resources department of the State in which the certificate was issued. For example, in our case, since the CA certificate is issued from the ICAI headquarters in New Delhi, then we will have to apply for certification at the Human Resources Department of New Delhi.

If you do not have a letter of employment, you must submit a printed copy of the email (your employer) indicating the job confirmation. Given that it will take a long time to buy an IPO in New Delhi for those who have lost certification certificates outside of New Delhi. HRD, New Delhi accepts the request only from the applicant so there is no agent range. After you submit your application, it will usually take 10 to 12 days to complete the certificate from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MEA), New Delhi. After confirming HRD certification, you must apply for a certificate for MEA, New Delhi. Only MEA, New Delhi will certify the certificate.

Documents Required:

  • Original certificate
  • Copy of passport
  • Copy of employment letter
  • One passport size photograph
  • Indian Postal Order of Rs. 50/-
  • Original Passport (for verification)

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