Educational Certificate

Educational attestation certification is important for work or for any other purpose to go abroad. Educational certification is included in the attestation during the process. Attestation of educational certification is a formal process for checking the original certificate, so that it is valid for employment or other job purposes in any other country.

Confirmation of certificates such as original certificates is not the only formal certification process, but it is a process of validating the certificate, whether it is educational or non-academic. It is necessary to prove the originality of the certificate for any field for which we are applying. Educational certificate certification is required for the following purposes: –

  • Employment Visa
  • Labor Card Processing
  • Visa Designation Change
  • Medical Certificate
  • Indian Embassy or Consulate purpose
  • MOH Examination/ DOH Examination
  • MOE (Ministry of Education)
  • Equivalency and Higher Education
  • School Admission and many more

Why you should select Pearling Global services?

Educational certificate attestation is an important process, while any professional or individual needs planning to go abroad. The certification process proves the validity of the certificate, so that it can be valid when running for commercial or personal matters abroad. Attestation of Certificate, Attestation of B.Tech, Diploma Certificate, PhD Testimonials and many others..

The Educational certification attestation process is as follows: –

  1. The documents related to the relevant state’s home department have been scrutinized.
  2. The documents are verified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  3. From the Foreign Ministry, the certificate has been certified by the foreign embassy, where there is a plan for migration / commerce in the country at one place.
  4. Certificates have been scrutinized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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